Men, we encourage you to join us as we gather together for an evening of prayer. Our time together begins at 6pm on Friday night, May 11th, and continues until midnight. If you are interested in preparing a short devotional as part of our time, please contact Jay Stacy.
Here are 7 reasons to join us for the Men’s Night of Prayer. For men, obviously, but the broader ideas will be of value to anyone serious about following God. Women, encourage your men to read these.
1. We’re on this planet to learn that what is seen is temporary, and what is unseen is eternal; yet we still think sleep is more important than prayer. It will be a late night, but it’s time for us to think as men of God. 2 Cor 4:18.
2. Our children will remember us as men who, from time to time, spent a late night in prayer with other men from the church. Think how your opinion of your own father would change if he had done (or still did) such a thing. 1 Ki 3:3a.
3. We’re all guilty of being more talk than action; all show and no go; all mouth and trousers; all foam no beer; all hat no cattle. Time to turn that around. Act on what you believe. 1 Pet 4:3a.
4. You can do it. There are things in life that are hard, but not impossible. Until you venture into that world of hard things, you will never know the difference between the two and your life will be a legacy of great things never attempted. Gen 12:4-5.
5. The enemy is deathly afraid of your becoming a man of prayer. Those reasons assembled in your mind for not coming? Do not think they are entirely yours; maybe not even partly yours. 2 Cor 2:11.
6. Your wife wants you to be a man of prayer, not a man who finds excuses to not pray. 1 Sam 25:3,19.
7. The change in your life circumstances that you have long been hoping for? It will not come through circumstances. It will arise from something transacted between you and God, who appoints all the circumstances of your life. This night could be that transaction. Acts 17:26; Luke 15:18-20.