Posts by Covenant Presbyterian Church (Page 3)

Posts by Covenant Presbyterian Church (Page 3)

Community Groups

The seasons are beginning to make their transition from our unusually hot summer to the cooler and more mild temperatures of autumn. With that change comes a change, rather an expansion, to our community groups. We have added to our available groups and now have new ones which plan to begin in mid September. Most of these groups will work through John Bunyan’s…

Fighting the Noonday Devil – R.R. Reno

In last week’s sermon pastor Eric referenced a quotation from R.R. Reno’s article Fighting the Noonday Devil. Here is the excerpt used in the sermon. If you’d like to read the full article you can find it here on First Things website.  Our misanthropy is swaddled in kindness, but it manifests the symptoms of acedia nonetheless. How many parents cannot…

Officer Vote

Over the past year the candidates nominated for the offices of elder and deacon have met with the session, pastor Eric, and engaged in some aspects relating to their respective office. On May 31st we will hold a congregational vote for these men. The vote will take place after a shortened Sunday school time. We will meet in the sanctuary at 10:30a. If you are a member of…

Educational Training in Nairobi Pt 2

A second update from Nancy Price, Director: One of the goals of For the Children’s Sake Foundation is to train up nationals in the countries where we work to offer teacher professional development courses. I am so happy to have Violet Malongo and David Acellam here this week beginning their training to do just that.

Educational Training in Nairobi

An initial updated from Nancy Price, Director: The Nairobi Council Education Officer visited our training today! I always ask the local organizers to be in touch with the local Ministry of Education (if they were not the ones requesting) so that the education officials know what is going on and are supportive rather than suspicious. If they support the training, then the…

Mission to Kenya–Update Pt. 3

From Laura Lanser: Hello Church, I have a little catching up to do! We finished out our week in Korr with no more rains but plenty more discussion. Please continue to pray for rain in Korr. Pray, too, for the Christian leadership there. The missionaries that retired were amazing people and their retirement has left quite a vacuum. It’s time to sink or swim for the…

Mission to Kenya–Update Pt. 2

From Laura Lanser: As I am typing this the skies are brooding. We can hear thunder in the distance and see occasional strikes of lightening. Rain has just passed through, brief but vigorous. Our companions were freezing but Nancy and I found the change in temperature most welcome. One day of very heavy rain can fill the wells for many months. They still need more but this…