Dear Church, we hope you will take advantage of the following opportunities to meet with our Senior Pastor candidate, Rev. Michael Kelly, and his wife, Sandy.
All-Church Opportunities to meet Senior Pastor Candidate Mike Kelly and his wife, Sandy
Sunday, March 2:
9a | Visits to children/youth Sunday School
10:15a Preaching
11:45a Fellowship Lunch
Monday, March 3:
6-8p | Coffee & Dessert Open House | CPC Narthex
Please bring a dessert to share.
Thursday, March 6:
10a | Women’s Bible Study | Chapel
12-1a | Open House Lunch | Narthex
(RSVPs requested for this lunch so we can plan accordingly; email the Pulpit Committee.)
6:30-7p | Visit to Youth Group | Chapel
Friday, March 7:
6:15p | Women’s Ministry Growing Together as Disciples series | Narthex
Saturday, March 8:
8a | Men’s Ministry Breakfast | Narthex
Sunday, March 9:
9a | Teaching at Adult Sunday School
10:15a Preaching
11:45a Fellowship Lunch