Sunday School and Men’s Retreat

Sunday School and Men’s Retreat

This Sunday in the Adult class we’ll look at, in the context of discussing Newbigin, the notion that all truth is God’s truth. I believe there’s a misunderstanding of the difference between General and Special Revelation that has led to confusion. The link (from Ligonier) may be helpful for some of you to read prior to class.

This week you can sign up for the men’s retreat at a discount. After Sunday, the price goes from $125 to $150. Part of what I will teach there is some inversion of the current cultural narrative, especially here on the west coast. For example, the narrative says men are in charge of everything and exploit those beneath them, women especially. Yet the vast majority of homeless people in America are men; 93% of people killed on the job in America are men; 99% of people killed in combat are men; the significant majority of overworked employees are men.

No one speaks of this as exploitation—though they would if the same statistics were true of women—because in a post-Christian culture there is an implicit war on God’s economy in which men are leaders, yes, but also the bearers of greater risk and responsibility. Of course, we don’t think of it as exploitation either, but for very different reasons. We embrace risk and responsibility as part of our calling to servanthood and to leadership. Join us for two days of meditation on what it means to be a man of God.

Also, please join me in praying for Shiv as he comes before Presbytery. Today he will meet with the credentials committee and tomorrow he will be examined on the floor of Presbytery. I suspect he will do very well, but I know he would appreciate all our prayers. Thank you.
