Important Note on Coronavirus

Important Note on Coronavirus

Dear CPC Family,

The CPC leadership has been prayerfully deliberating the best course of action as the situation surrounding the Coronavirus changes in our county. We want to be good neighbors to everyone by preventing the spread of this virus in and through our congregation. In view of this and in keeping with the latest King County recommendations (click the red button on their page):

We will continue with Sunday morning worship. All other events including Sunday school, men’s breakfast, kid’s choir, etc. are cancelled. Small groups may meet in homes at their discretion.
Avoid handshaking, hugs and direct physical contact with others.
We encourage people over 60, the sick, the pregnant and anyone with underlying health conditions or frail immune systems to stay home.

We are taking measures such as periodically disinfecting our buildings and germ-free communion serving. More information coming soon. Stay tuned for another update tomorrow.

If you are in need of any help and if the elderly need help with grocery shopping, please reach out to the deacons ( or call the church office at 425-392-5532. Take time to learn how to prevent the spread of this virus from the CDC website and refer to the latest King County recommendations. Above all, dearly beloved of the Lord, remember:

The Lord is at hand, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything through prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:5-7)

Pastor Shiv for CPC Officers
