Judi Lynn Anderson

Judi Lynn Anderson

Today, about 340 million people do not have any Scripture in their language. Wycliffe’s vision is to see the Bible accessible to all people in the language they understand best. To make this vision a reality, Wycliffe also focuses on community development, literacy development and church partnerships.

Judi Lynn went out from CPC over 40 years ago to be among the Chinantec people of Mexico. She helped translate the New Testament into the Chinantec language, and is now working on the Old Testament. In 2015, CPC helped purchase 32 Chinantec Bible audio players, which were distributed in the village. Judi Lynn retired from active service in 2018, but continues to volunteer at the Wycliffe center near her home in Tucson, AZ, and she is also finishing up some Chinantec language resources.


Rev. Timur Anickin pastors Riga Reformed Church in Latvia
Timur Anickin