Adult Classes

Adult Classes

Our Christian Education program at Covenant Presbyterian is intended to come alongside you and be one of the many ways the Lord may use to fulfill His promise to you. So hold your children and our staff accountable to the teachings we are presenting them by asking them what they are learning. We have crafted a comparatively rigorous curriculum. Occasionally I see flyers advertising youth programs at local churches and I can’t help but be saddened by them. A recent one offered a program that was expressly designed to counter the “boring” aspect of church. If we aim at making our school amusing, we may just get what we asked for: A- (without) muse- (knowing) ment.

Rather, it is our prayer that obedience would lead to blessing and that God would be sowing the seeds of reformation and revival in America, starting with the Church. As Neil Postman would argue, we have amused ourselves to death. The cathedrals and community churches that sat prominently at our town centers, (a visible representation of their impact on culture), have been replaced by arenas and malls. How and when did this transformation occur? That may be debatable, however, we know from Scripture that judgment begins with the family of God (1 Peter 4:17).

Adult Sunday School

Each of the two Sundays in a row that our Interim Pastor John Kinser is here, he will be teaching through Revelation in winter and spring 2025. On the Sundays in between his visits, Ruling Elder Mitch Connors will be teaching a short course called Echoes of Exodus. This class will explore how the Exodus story is retold and reshaped again and again throughout Scripture.…