David & Sara Perkins

David & Sara Perkins

David and Sara met in Seattle, Washington while David was home from his studies at Covenant Theological Seminary. Both shared a mutual interest in counseling and vocational ministry. David had just spent a semester in India and was eager to return to cross cultural work. Though Sara’s interest was in inner-city ministry, she was compelled to explore global missions with him. In May 2014, they married and moved to St. Louis to continue their studies together.

Recently, David graduated with Masters in Divinity and Counseling. Due to complications with pregnancy, Sara delayed her studies, but still plans to finish the counseling degree. For now, she enjoys raising their two children.

In Prague, David will work at Dignity, a nonprofit that serves refugees, providing trauma therapy and facilitating acclimation into Czech culture. They will be members at Serge’s church plant, DoSlova, helping the church to get involved at Dignity. Further, they are excited to facilitate emerging local leaders within the larger Czech church. Sara and David are encouraged by how the Holy Spirit is moving in Prague and eager to see the Church in Europe grow.
