Community Groups

Community Groups

In an age of limited discretionary time, technology, and the resulting isolation amidst vast oceans of souls, it is increasingly important that people fellowship in one another’s presence. God made us so we communicate very differently when looking each other in the eye, not to mention the effects of voice, countenance, touch and body language. For this reason and others (accountability may be chief among those), we have community groups. While our community groups are centered around the Word, fellowship, and prayer, each will have their own characteristics and emphases.

Groups are meeting all over the Eastside, and will be going through 1 or 2 Samuel (depending on how far groups got in the previous year). If you are interested in joining a community group or have questions about the groups, contact our community group lead, Jim Helm.


Leader: Tom Greene
Hosts: Tom & Becky Greene
Every other Friday
6p | Meal: Dinner
Contact: Tom Greene

Leader: Jim Helm
Hosts: Jim & Claudia Helm
Every 1st (6p) and 3rd Tuesday (7p) | Meal: Dinner
Contact: Jim Helm

Leader: Hani Rizkalla
Hosts: Hani & Kathy Rizkalla
Friday or Saturday evening
5:30p | Meal: Dinner
Twice a month


Leader: Andrew Piorunski
Hosts: Mitch & Amy Connors
1-2 Fridays a month
6p | Meal: Dinner
Can accommodate families with children.
Contact: Andrew Piorunski

Leader: Austin Samuel
Hosts: Austin Samuel & Bettina Austin
2-3 Wednesdays/month
6:30p | Meal: Dinner
Contact: Austin Samuel


Leader: Jared Friesen
Hosts: Jared & Rebekah Friesen
1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
6-7:30p | Dessert, coffee/tea
Contact: Jared Friesen