Our Doctrine

Our Doctrine

As a member church of the Presbyterian Church in America, we hold to the Westminster Standards. That puts us in the tradition of Reformed churches, which are characterized by a commitment to the greatness and majesty of God in all things. In turn, that commitment governs how we think about salvation, worship, and everything else in our lives, public and private. As the Shorter Catechism says, we believe our primary purpose in life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

We believe God can be known only through His word, and that we truly know ourselves only in knowing God. We regard the word of God as inerrant, and so our ordinary practice is to preach through whole books of the Bible. For the fine print, you can refer to the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.

Our church is governed by the Book of Church Order and by our bylaws.