Khen & Rith Tombing

Khen & Rith Tombing

Khen is Presbyterian Mission International’s first missionary; he completed his M.Div. in 1986 and a Th.M. degree three years later. Since that time, Khen has labored in Manipur, in northeast India. Despite great persecution, he has actively participated in the planting of over 36 churches in India and 12 churches in Myanmar. He began more than 10 Christian primary schools for the poor in rural villages. He is also the founding President of Reformed Bible Institute and of the Presbyterian Church of India’s Christian College and Christian High School.

Khen is the Chief Coordinator of the Presbyterian Church in India (Reformed) and his responsibility is to make sure all ministries under the Presbyterian Church in India go and grow smoothly. His wife, Rith, serves as Secretary of Women in the Church of the Presbyterian Church in India where she is actively participating in the church’s ministry of Transforming and Empowering Women in the Church.

Khen and Rith also oversee the Covenant Children’s Home.


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