Dr. Peter & Nancy Cole

Dr. Peter & Nancy Cole

Finding Jesus to be infinitely more satisfying than the suburban dream, Dr. Peter and Nancy Cole left the eastside to establish Scalpel at the Cross.

The Vision
To be a lighthouse for Christ through a medical ministry in the Peruvian Amazon region of South America.

The Mission
Scalpel at the Cross is living the Love of Christ…

  • by building a medical mission camp, which serves the orthopedic needs of Pucallpan Peruvians, tribal populations and missionaries who serve them,
  • by staffing such a camp with full-time Peruvian and part-time North American health care professionals, and
  • by serving as a lighthouse for Christ and a magnifying glass to God.
Missionary with Campus Outreach at San Diego State University
Sam and Janie Collins
Missionaries with Sacred Road Ministries in Yakima, WA
Chuck & Neena Clevenger